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Image by K. Mitch Hodge

Institutional Compliance
and Regulatory Support


Assisting higher education institutions in navigating the complex world of audits, rankings, and accreditations. Addressing potential compliance issues proactively and guiding institutions through investigations and corrective action processes.

UGC Regulations 2010 established IQAC as the documentation and record-keeping cell for a university. A strong IQAC facilitates integration of academic and non-academic activities of an institution and institutionalise the best practices.

Our clients benefit from our decades of experience to not only bring best practices but also to implement these best practices at their institution. For instance:


  • Outcome based education

  • Choice based credit system (CBCS)

  • Student centred learning

  • Creating QA newsletter to encourage stakeholder participation

  • Industrial visits and training arrangements

  • Collaborations with NGOs

  • Research and development cell

  • Setting up mechanism to capture continuous feedback

  • Aligning departmental plans with IQAC activities

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Academic and administrative audit

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​HR assessment (online and offline)

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​FDPs on outcome-based learning

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Assistance in higher accreditations

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​Assistance in ranking participations

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